Monday, March 8, 2010

new obsessions

Today, a harmless looking box arrived in my mailbox. It was deceptively simple in it's design, but contained objects that I was destined to be addicted to. This box came from an etsy shop called whimsy&spice.

I ordered a marshmallow sampler of chocolate, maple & caramel. I had been curious about this trend of home made marshmallows for quite some time, and after careful consideration of feedback & price comparison, I chose to order from whimsy&spice. They had the most consistent feedback of all of the etsy shops that I found.

While I was in their shop, I also decided to buy the coconut 5 spice white chocolate cookies. OMG. I may eat all of it before the day is over.

The marshmallows taste amazing, like what every packaged marshmallow wishes it could taste like! My favorite flavor is the chocolate. They are like little squishy pillows of cocoa goodness. The caramel flavor takes a little getting used to, it's not my favorite. It does taste pretty good melting in my coffee, though. The maple marshmallows are delicious, as well- but I recommend cutting them into smaller pieces as they're very sweet. My next order will include cardamom marshmallows because I'm intriqued. I like cardamom in my yogurt fruit dip, so I might try a fruit salad with them.

We have now arrived at the coconut 5 spice white chocolate cookies. They are complex, spicy, sweet, crunchy and absolutely scrumptious. They will probably be my go-to gift for every occasion from now on. Amazing. And they all came in very simple, beautiful packaging- perfect for gifting. Every product had perfect texture & freshness, too.

I give whimsy&spice 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up!